We at the Insurance Center of NE Wisconsin, Inc. are excited to announce our Simplified Issue Short Term Disability Program. We realize that many people have found that applying for Disability Coverage can be a tedious process. So we have found an easier way for you to obtain the coverage that you and your family need to protect you if you became disabled from a Short Term Accident and/or sickness.  You can even select an option that leaves no money on the table, return of premium, a win win. Whether you need care or not.

The following are the particulars:
  • Issue Ages are between the ages of 18 and 60.
  • Amount of coverage available is based on your income and occupation.
  • The type of coverage offered is for either Accident and Sickness or just Accident. You choose.
  • The Elimination Periods/Waiting Periods can be either, 0, 7, 14, 30, 60, 90 Days.
  • The Benefit Periods can be either, 13 weeks, 26 weeks, 1 year, 2 year.
  • The Contract has the following built in Features included in the Contract:
Partial Disability Benefits
Own Occupation Definition
Presumptive Benefit
Waiver of Premium
Organ Donor Benefit
Childbirth Benefit

  • The following additional riders you can add:
Catastrophic Disability Rider
Family Care Rider
Guaranteed Insurability Rider
Retroactive Injury Rider
Return of Premium Rider
Stay at Home Spouse Rider

Contact Linda M. Grzesik for more information
PHONE (715) 365-3601

We think that you will find the New Simplified Issue Short Term Disability Program provides you one of the most convenient ways to provide the needed coverage to protect you and your family from short term accidents and sicknesses at very competitive rates.

How Much Coverage DO I Need?

Income Protection is meant to keep enough money flowing into your household if you're disabled and unable to work, so it's important to look at your expenses and determine how much you'll need for replacement. If the Disability becomes long term, planning for things like retirement, future living expenses and children's education expenses is essential.

Start with a look at your Monthly Bills

Car Payment    
Student Loans  
Credit Cards    
Child Care       
Cell Phone      


Is It Worth Having Disability Coverage?

It may not happen to you - but more than one in four people over the age of 20 will become disabled during their working lives. For some people, income Protection makes a big difference in their daily lives.

Need-To-Know Definitions

Elimination Periods - The Number of consecutive days one must be totally disabled before you become eligible for benefits.

Benefit Period - The maximum time frame benefits are payable for a given period of total disability.

Own Occupation Definition of Disability - Assurity defines a total disability as the inability to work at your regular occupation at the time disability begins, even if you still might be able to work at another occupation.

Total Disability - A sickness or injury is considered a total disability if it keeps you from doing all the substantial and material duties of your regular job and requires a physician's care during the benefit period.

If you have any questions, contact Linda M. Grzesik for more information.
PHONE (715) 365-3601